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BibTeX field type: number

이 내용은 아직 번역본이 없습니다.

In BibTeX, the number field is used to specify the issue number of a journal, the number of a technical report, or other identifiers that are part of a larger series. This field helps to pinpoint the exact issue or edition of a series where the referenced work can be found, providing more precise information for locating the material.

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This field is commonly used in conjunction with the volume field, especially for journal articles and periodicals. For a technical report, the number field would typically contain the report number assigned by the institution or organization that published the report.


The format for the number field is relatively straightforward. In the context of an article entry, it would appear as follows:


Here, “citation_key” represents a unique identifier for the entry, and “issue_number” represents the number of the journal issue, technical report, or other publication.


Below are some examples showcasing the application of the number field in different contexts:

Example 1: Journal Article

author = {Doe, Jane},
title = {A Comprehensive Study on Quantum Computing},
journal = {Journal of Advanced Computing},
year = {2023},
volume = {29},
number = {3},
pages = {215-230},

In this example, the number field specifies the third issue of the 29th volume of the “Journal of Advanced Computing”.

Example 2: Technical Report

author = {Smith, John},
title = {An Analysis of Renewable Energy Trends},
institution = {Energy Research Institute},
year = {2022},
number = {TR-2022-45},
type = {Technical Report},

In this case, the number field is used to indicate the specific report number assigned by the “Energy Research Institute”.

Utilizing the number field accurately can facilitate the reader in finding the source material more easily and verifying the cited information. It’s an essential detail in scholarly writing and research documentation.