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BibTeX field type: organization

이 내용은 아직 번역본이 없습니다.

The organization field in a BibTeX entry is used to specify the name of the organization responsible for publishing the document or hosting the event being cited. This could be a company, an institution, or a group that sponsored or organized a conference, workshop, manual, etc. Including the organization provides the reader with a clear context of the entity behind the document, which can be crucial for determining the reliability and authority of the source.

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You will typically encounter this field in @proceedings and @manual entries, but it might appear in other types of entries as well, depending on the specific requirements of the bibliography style being used.


The format for specifying the organization field is as follows:

organization={Organization Name},

Here, “entry_type” refers to the type of BibTeX entry (such as @proceedings or @manual), “citation_key” is a unique identifier for the entry, and “Organization Name” is the name of the organization involved.


Here are a couple of examples demonstrating how to use the organization field in different contexts:

Example 1: Conference Proceedings

title = {Proceedings of the 40th International Conference on Machine Learning},
year = {2023},
organization = {International Machine Learning Society},

In this example, the organization field specifies the entity responsible for organizing the conference whose proceedings are being cited.

Example 2: Manual

title = {XYZ Software User Guide},
year = {2022},
organization = {XYZ Software Inc.},

Here, the organization field is used to indicate the company that published the software manual.

Including the organization field in your BibTeX entries can help to provide a complete and detailed reference, facilitating more straightforward identification and retrieval of the source materials.