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BibTeX field type: address

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The address field within a BibTeX entry holds substantial significance when citing various sources in your academic or professional documentation. It typically encompasses the geographical details of the publisher or a pertinent institution related to the cited work. Here, we will delve deeper into the utilization and the notation standards followed for the address field in BibTeX entries.

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Detailed Overview

The address field is essential in pointing out the specific location details of the publishing entity or other significant institutions related to the citation. Often, the field may contain the city of publication, possibly followed by additional details depending on the region or specific citation requirements.

Address Format Guidelines

American Publications

For sources published in the United States, the format usually includes the city’s name, followed by the state’s abbreviation according to the United States Postal Service (USPS) code enclosed in brackets.

Example: “Columbus, Ohio” should be notated as “Columbus, OH.”

European Publications

In contrast, European publications prefer the full representation of the state or province, without any abbreviation, followed by the country name.

Example: A publication from Dusseldorf, Germany, would be denoted as “Dusseldorf, Germany.”

Examples and Usage Scenarios

The address field finds its application in various BibTeX entry types. Below, we have elaborated on a few scenarios where it is prominently utilized.


In a phdthesis entry type, the author might want to include the university’s address where the doctoral candidate pursued their research and completed their thesis. This information assists in adding credibility and specificity to the citation.

author = {Arnold Peterson},
title = {My very own PhD-Thesis by Arnold Peterson},
school = {The university / school name},
year = 2004,
address = {123 University Lane, University City, State [or Province], Country},
month = 1,

Proceedings / Inproceedings

The address field in proceedings or inproceedings entry types is a point of contention. While some prefer to include the conference venue’s address, others opt for the publisher or organizer’s address. It’s essential to adhere to the guidelines of your specific context or reference style. Below is an example of how to use the address field in these entry types:

title = {Conference Proceedings Title},
editor = {Editor Name},
year = 2023,
address = {123 Conference Venue Street, City, State [or Province], Country},
publisher = {Publisher Name},


Understanding and correctly utilizing the address field in your BibTeX entries can significantly enhance the clarity and comprehensiveness of your citations. It ensures that readers can precisely identify the geographical context of the cited works, adding a layer of authenticity and reliability to your document.

Ensure to consult with the specific guidelines of your citation style or institutional requirements to use the address field effectively.