
BibTeX field type: institution


The institution field is designated to be used within the @techreport entry type, where it serves to denote the name of the institution that was responsible for issuing or publishing the report. This helps to give proper attribution and helps readers to find the original source more easily.


  • ウェブベースでモダンな参照管理
  • 研究者同士での共同作業と共有
  • Overleafとの統合
  • BibTeX/BibLaTeXの包括的なサポート
  • ブラウザから直接記事とウェブサイトを保存
  • 数千万もの参照があるデータベースから新しい記事を検索
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Here is an example structure demonstrating how you might use the institution field in a @techreport entry:

institution = {...},

In this format, the “key” is a unique identifier for the BibTeX entry, and the “institution” field should contain the name of the institution that published the report. It is essential to provide accurate and detailed information in this field to facilitate proper citation and referencing.

Ensure to replace the {...} with the actual name of the institution when you are creating your BibTeX entries. This field helps to organize and categorize technical reports properly in your reference list.