
BibTeX misc type


There are a variety of entry types in BibTeX, and sometimes you will come across a source that doesn’t quite match any of the predefined types. In these cases, you can use the misc type. This type is for anything that doesn’t fit into one of the other categories. This could be pieces of music or lecture slides, but mostly it is to cite web pages. These unsupported source types are created with workaround fields from note and howpublished. If you frequently cite source types not supported by BibTex, you should look at BibLaTex, which offers a superset in terms of fields and types.


  • ウェブベースでモダンな参照管理
  • 研究者同士での共同作業と共有
  • Overleafとの統合
  • BibTeX/BibLaTeXの包括的なサポート
  • ブラウザから直接記事とウェブサイトを保存
  • 数千万もの参照があるデータベースから新しい記事を検索
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If you are looking to use misc to cite a website, check out this guide.