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BibTeX field type: pages

이 내용은 아직 번역본이 없습니다.

The pages field in a BibTeX entry denotes the specific pages that are being referred to within a larger work, such as a book or journal. This field can be essential when citing a chapter of a book or an article in a journal, helping to point readers directly to the pertinent section of the work.

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Formatting Guidelines

You can specify a single page, a range of pages, or even non-consecutive pages. The recommended way to separate page numbers is either with commas or double dashes. Here are some guidelines to format the pages field properly:

  1. Single Page: If referring to a single page, you simply write the page number.

  2. Range of Pages: For a range of pages, you should use double dashes (—). This indicates a continuous range from the first number to the second.

  3. Non-consecutive Pages: If referring to non-consecutive pages, separate the different page numbers or ranges with a comma.


Here are some examples demonstrating how to use the pages field:

title = {Title of the Book},
author = {Author Name},
year = {2023},
pages = {33--44}, % Range of pages from 33 to 44
title = {Title of the Book},
author = {Author Name},
year = {2023},
pages = {22, 33--44}, % Page 22 and a range from 33 to 44
title = {Title of the Book},
author = {Author Name},
year = {2023},
pages = {17}, % Single page


It is important to note that the pages field is not limited to @book entries, and can also be used in other entry types like @article or @inbook to denote the relevant pages in those contexts. Using the pages field correctly helps to create more accurate and helpful citations.