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How do I create a .BIB file to manage my BibTeX references?

이 내용은 아직 번역본이 없습니다.

If you’re looking for a way to manage your BibTeX references, you may be wondering how to create a .BIB file. In this article, we’ll show you how to do it! We’ll also provide some tips on how to use “.BIB” files effectively.

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Creating a bib file by hand

Creating a .BIB file is actually quite simple. All you need to do is create a text file with the .bib extension. You can then add your BibTeX references to this file, one per line. For example:

title = {An interesting article},
author = {John Smith},
year = {201X},
journal = {Journal of Interesting Articles}

Once you have your .BIB file created, you can then use it in your LaTeX documents by specifying the \bibliography{filename} command. For example:


That’s all there is to it! Creating a .BIB file is a simple way to manage your BibTeX references. Be sure to check out our other articles on BibTeX for more tips and tricks!