
Introduction to BibTeX and the Booklet Type Entry


BibTeX is a reference management system for formatting lists of references in a document. It is widely used in the academic community, especially in the fields of science, technology, and mathematics.

One of the many types of entries that can be included in a BibTeX file is the booklet entry type. In this guide, we will introduce you to the booklet entry type, and show you how to use it to manage your references in your LaTeX documents.


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The Booklet Entry Type

The booklet entry type is used to refer to a printed work that is not formally published, but is bound together like a book. Examples of booklet entries could include conference proceedings, program guides, or instruction manuals.

The required fields for a booklet entry are:

  • title: The title of the booklet.
  • author: The author or authors of the booklet.
  • howpublished: How the booklet was published.
  • address: The address of the publisher or sponsoring institution.
  • year: The year the booklet was published.

Optional fields for a booklet entry include:

  • editor: The editor or editors of the booklet.
  • volume: The volume number of a multi-volume book.
  • number: The number of a journal or series.
  • series: The name of a series or set of books.
  • organization: The organization that published or sponsored the booklet.
  • month: The month of publication.
  • note: Miscellaneous information.

Here is an example of a booklet entry:

title = {Conference Proceedings},
author = {Jane Doe and John Smith},
year = 2022,
month = {July},
address = {San Francisco, CA},
note = {This is a sample entry for a conference proceedings booklet.},
howpublished = {Presented at the Annual Conference on Technology},
editor = {Bob Johnson}

Using the Booklet Entry Type in LaTeX

Once you have created a booklet entry in your BibTeX file, you can reference it in your LaTeX document using the \cite command. For example:

According to \cite{example_booklet}, the Annual Conference on Technology was a success.

In this example, the example_booklet entry in the references.bib file is cited using the \cite command. The bibliography is then generated using the plain style.