
How to cite music in bibtex?


To cite music in BibTeX, you can use the @misc entry type and include the following fields:

  • author: The composer or artist who created the music.
  • title: The title of the piece of music.
  • howpublished: The format in which the music was accessed (e.g. CD, vinyl, online streaming service).
  • year: The year the music was published or recorded.

Here is an example of how you might cite a piece of music in BibTeX:


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title = {Symphony No. 5 in C Minor},
author = {Beethoven, Ludwig van},
year = 2018,
howpublished = {CD}

If you are citing a specific recording of a piece of music, you may want to use the @music entry type instead of @misc. This entry type includes additional fields such as performer and publisher that you can use to provide more specific information about the recording.

I hope this helps! Let me know if you have any questions.