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A mighty pairing for LaTeX users

Complete your research pipeline with the powerful one-two combination of Overleaf and CiteDrive. Connect your project across both apps and your Overleaf paper will automatically receive updates from your BibTeX file with just a few clicks.

Perfect for Overleaf!

Overleaf enables teams of students and researchers to write papers simultaneously, from anywhere, in an easy-to-use, collaborative online LaTeX editor. Overleaf supports a variety of packages, including BibTeX, where you can manage your references. When you connect Overleaf to CiteDrive, you can automatically synchronize your project and BibTeX-database with Overleaf.

Native BibTeX support

We designed our infrastructure to ensure compliant BibTeX delivery. We support all official entry and field types, which can be easily entered or imported with one click using our browser plugin: no tedious usage of converters or manual handling. Your project is always kept up to date for Overleaf and in a fashion that LaTeX will support.

Collect and organize

Bigger teams working on a single project can quickly run into confusion and frustration when manually updating references in BibTeX databases (.bib-file) and mistakes can quickly occur. With CiteDrive, you can easily add references with one click thanks to the browser extension and group the references orderly simply by dragging and dropping.

Fully collaborative

We know how essential teamwork is for scientists. Comprehensive tools for teams have become commonplace, and most importantly, papers are rarely written alone. We have therefore built our platform for collaboration. Add colleagues to your project at any time. You and your team collect, structure, and annotate references and material for your work, clearly organized in one project.